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In order to maximise the effectiveness of the activities carried out to achieve the objectives of the CROSS-NEUROD project, the workload has been divided into clearly defined work packages (WPs), providing a consistent work plan.
The first WP is devoted to the management of the program in terms of secondments and their associated research organization, while WP6 deals with dissemination and exploitation, and represents a critical WP for the success of the project.
WP2-5 are devoted to research aspects of the project. There are many innovative features in this program, first and foremost 3D modelling from ALS, SMA, FTD and PD patients’ iPSCs, harboring defined disease-causing mutations. The scientific workplan includes the assessment of transcriptional changes in neurons resistant or vulnerable to ALS also at single cell level, and the use of the motor unit model. Performing network analyses across Nuerodegenerative Diseases, we aim to elucidate the common mechanisms underlying selective neuronal death, caused by autonomous and non-autonomous mechanisms. A cross-disease analysis has never been performed previously, and we are one of the few expert groups worldwide who are able to establish complex 3D-ND models. The functional testing of identified key transcripts in our 3D in vitro models will allow us to examine selected pathways and their potential reversibility across diseases. Furthermore, the use of available transgenic mouse models of ALS and SMA will allow us to target identified pathways at different stages of disease by gene therapy establishing if early intervention can rescue even the most vulnerable neuronal subpopulations.



A program of this nature, in terms of length of the project, composition of the partnership and scientific content, needs a management plan established, that will be the objective of the first work package.

The activities planned for this work package include:

- coordination of the project and manage the workflow to ensure that short term goals are met, to evaluate project risks and to facilitate communication between all partners;

- organization of regular project meetings to review scientific progress, discuss difficulties and devise solutions;
- management of Intellectual Property Rights questions;
- organization of researcher exchanges (practical arrangements for travel and accommodation) and of all mechanisms to guarantee that appointed researchers are appropriately trained and work in a safe environment. 

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